Monday, November 22, 2004

I am still alive, aren't we

Like the funeral of a loved one it takes awhile to articulate the pain, to comprehend what the loss means, to bring it into scope through multiple trips to the bar and liquor store. The beautiful flowers wilt to death or get replanted. The notes full of graceful pity and sad humor are starting to fade and just become annoying. Leftovers that the neighbors brought are beginning to mold and smell bad because who can eat at a time like this.
It feels that way sometimes when the Dems talk about not relating to the values of the majority. At the end of the day we do not have the same values. That is hard to imagine for some reason. That so many people voted on anti-gay, pro-life issues, and they all can't be ignorant. Can they? There are a lot of smart people out there who voted to mandate these issues. I know, because some were my friends.
I hope this is the start of a large cultural war. Where like the Civil Right's Movement we are able to shame the bigots, the racists, and the like into a place of uncomfortable silence. Let us eradicate ourselves of this Evangelican nuisance once and for all. It holds us back as a society and a country. Let's attack their false beliefs and small superstitions with the same political incorectness as they attack. Let's have us a war.
I do not want to live with people who make it this hard for others to live. These values that they fight so hard to protect are not my values and I do not care to tolerate them anymore.
The fact is, I truly believe that most people of my generation are not afraid of gay people, don't really care if minorities are taking over the country, and haven't gone to church since their Aunt Agnes died four years ago.
Most people of our generation realize that poor people and people of color often don't get a fair shake at things.
Our generation grew up with political correctness and that is proving to be a good thing. People should be ashamed when they are not sensitive to woman, gays, minorities, whoever. They should be verbally reprimanded like an insolant child who is too ignorant to know better. When that fails; busted in the mouth. Wash out their collective mouths with the soap made by smarter, better people who are proving to be their moral superiors.
Let our self-righteousness rise up with a piety not seen since the Weslyans started this trap of a religion.
Let our generation start our own crusade against the catholics who protest abortion clinics and against a Pope who is responsible for ignoring an AIDS crisis in Africa.
They are wrong and have too long been tolerated.
I do not hate all conservatives. But the blasphemy of the social conservative who hides behind the skirts of the bible should be dealt with by a plague young locusts who destroy their way of life.
They are wrong. We are right. If they are the fundamentalists of christainity they are proving to have more sway than they should be given and more respect than any vodoo do-gooder deserves. What will be become of these lunatic fundamentalists? Will they attack with acts of war on nations of different faiths and political structures? Will their profit be both monetary and spiritual?
Now is our time not theirs. This is a start to a cultural war, I hope.

Thursday, October 07, 2004


I HEART RALPH NADER. I can't deny it any longer and it feels so good to say. I LOOOVVE NADER. Everything he stands for, the fact he is running, and even those stupid grey suits. I don't believe that Nader cost Gore the election just like I don't think that he will cost Kerry the election this year.
I get it that Bush is the anti-christ sent to bring the end times for those christain fuckers. I just wish that the Democrats weren't such a bunch of giant pussies about it. Run a fucking campaign and go get Ralph's voters. Do what you have to do bring them in.
I am suggesting some Kerry on Nader porno. C'mon John give Ralph the hummer of a lifetime. Your not gay if you only do it once and who knows you may even like it, nothing wrong with that. Sometimes you have to ask yourself "is the juice worth the squeeze". You and I both know it is. It feels so good to love Nader, to vote for him is so pure... ooohhhh damn. So put some chapstick on, make yourself look pretty, and get to work John less than a month away and every vote counts.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Rod is in the sod

Sadly the world has lost another fat comic. John Belushi, John Candy, Chris Farley, and Louie Anderson all gone (if Anderson isn't dead he should be shot and fed to orphans). The irony of Rodney Dangerfield going to that big roast in the sky is that he was older than all these fuckers before they died.
Really he was the Stevie Wonder of the fat comedy stripper dating drug taking world. Does Stevie suck overall because of his latter work. No. Boogie on Reggae Woman eclipses every bullshit rainforest album he ever made in the late 80's. So Caddyshack eclipses that soccer movie with the dumbass kid in drag.
So tonight in honor of the Rod I implore the world to drink some hard liquor, smoke a joint, snort a line, whatever, but please for the love of god fuck a stripper.


The face of death complete with make up vs JFK long lost litlle brother.
Watching Cheney v. Edwards is so much more difficult than the first debate. The first debate was like watching Bobby Bonds hitting softballs pitched by the 12 year old retarted girl who plays for the local Delmerico's Pizza team. Sure it doesn't seem fair but it is still so great to watch. This week we found out why Dick Cheney is running the country... because he is so much fucking smarter than the most powerfull person in the world. That's some scary shit.