The glory of the northern California is that, aside from some rain, the weather is always perfect for riding. Never too hot, never too cold. Last night, I rode to Paul's Hat Works to hang with those lovely ladies and the fellas from Taylor Stitch for an open studio. An open studio is apparently when a store is open after hours, has music, and feeds me Jameson Whiskey. Pauls is in the Richmond and a helluva cool store. Can't afford their hats but they are carrying other haberdashery items that are well with in pocketbook range. I took a nightime 5.5 mile ride to the Richmond which was glorious. I discovered the bike path that follows Fell Street. It was flat, smoothly paved and well marked that I should not go fast. After passing one well reflected commuter I saw someone up ahead that seemed to be covering some ground so I clicked into the big ring just to see if I could catch up. Well that was that, I won 8 sprint finishes and took home the climbers jersey on Cabrillo St. And of course, left Lance on the alpe d'huez after a look.
It all made me excited for the Spring Classics and riding in general.
So go get out there.

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